How to Submit Yellow Energy Claims

Showing the contributions link in the main menu of Earth2ioSo before we get started it should be noted there’s some pretty set in stone rules of what does and doesn’t qualify for Yellow Energy, Here’s a link to the Earth 2 article I do recommend giving that a read before submitting anything.

But for those of you who have checked the guidelines and want to submit your content for review. Here we go.

So you want to start by clicking your username and coming down to the “content contributions” button on the menu. This will open a new page where you can see all submissions and your own submissions.

To start submitting your own you want to click into “your submissions”.Your Yellow energy submissions on the Earth 2 website. Any existing ones will be shown here, where you can see the id, the status and so on. Once approved you will even be able to see the reward value. Giving you a good idea of what is and isn’t working for you.

However, to submit a new claim, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “submit a contribution” button which will open some fields to be filled in.
Firstly we have the URL to your content. Now this does need to be to a specific piece of work. Say an article or video. Just adding a link to one of your social profiles isn’t what they’re looking for.

Next up, we have the summary. Basically where you can add a little description of what your content is. If your content is across multiple platforms it might be worth mentioning that here too.
Next up we have “number of endorsing players” basically to get your content in front of the E2 team for review you need players to back your submission with Essence. This gives you the option to adjust how many players need to back you. However it will always need to be 1000 Essence to fully back the claims. The least you can set it as is 33 players which would require 30.3 Essence per backer and the most you can do is 1000 players which is 1 Essence each. There’s pros and cons to each, such as potentially filling the claim faster with less people required to back a claim, but higher numbers also helps reduce the potential risk for players as well as potentially allowing more of your supporters to get in on the claim. It’s completely up to you where you want to put this. But I will say the 1000 backers claims are hard to fill. Yellow Energy Submission Form screenshot

Under this we have the tick box to stake your own Essence. That’s basically asking if you want to stake your own claim. If you have Essence there I suggest doing that as if you’re not willing to put your own Essence behind your claim, why should others.

Again under here we have the options for platform and format. For platform, simply select where your content is published or if it’s not on the list use the “other” option at the bottom. For format same again just selecting what your content actually is from Video, Audio, Image, text or if none of those again you have the “other” option. Once all of these have been filled out the submit button will become clickable and doing so will submit your claim for the backing of others before being reviewed.

About Pacey

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