Earth 2 Draft Paper: Part 6 Player Technology

Now this is part 6 of the Earth 2 draft paper, Player Technology. Part 1 covered the introduction and stats, part 2 covered the Earth 2 player, part 3 covered economics, part 4 the economic components and part 5, The Ecosim.

Draft paper Part 1:

Earth 2 Draft Paper Part 2:

Draft Paper Part 3:

Draft Paper Part 4:
Draft Paper Part 5:

Holobuilding Editor Tutorial:
Earth 2 guide megacity list:



“The expansion of PvP gaming inside of Earth 2 is a major long term initiative for the Earth 2 Team. The Metaverse should be built around gaming and 3D digital experiences, not the other way around. This is why the Earth 2 Metaverse will contain familiar gamelike ideologies at every possible point, whether it is for inside a game or not.

Over time, Earth 2 will build a system which will allow developers and creators to link external games and experiences into the Earth 2 Metaverse and become part of the EcoSim and EcoSystem. In 2021, Earth 2 acquired the game and technology behind DRONE The Game and will use the technology to introduce building tools and the first 3D environments into Earth 2, as well as the game itself, to introduce the first official real-time 3D PvP game play into Earth 2.

More information about this acquisition can be found here :” 

So it’s clear now Drone  isn’t just a game that coming to the Earth 2 platform, but it’s sounding like it’s pretty much going to be a showcase of how external games, apps and so on can be integrated with E2. I’m sure this will be used to drive other creators to the E2 platform, just as much as it will be used to give us some gameplay elements.


Earth 2’s acquisition -DRONE The Game- will become the first official example of how a stand alone PvP game can be built into the Earth 2 Metaverse, its EcoSim (including Virtual Land), and more. This example will see an initial suite of APIs created that will set the standard for facilitating external game developers to link their ideas into the Earth 2 Metaverse.

DRONE will be modified to fit into the Earth 2 Metaverse concept and will support a Play to Earn purpose which will allow Players to attack, defend and pillage areas inside of Earth 2. PvP Players will have the ability to create guilds and put their skills and assets up for hire. PvP Players will also be able to control territories and gain rewards for the control of that territory that may include percentages of production of the property control. There will be a system that records flight and battle history of PvP Players and they will be able to align with Landowners to work together for mutual benefit.

The narrative will be based around Players who remotely control Player Created Vehicles from afar to carry out battles, missions and other tasks inside of Earth 2. There will be reasons for PvP Players to interact with all other Player types (LandOwners, EcoSim, Creator) inside of Earth 2. “

There we go. We’ve pretty much covered all of that earlier in the draft with the player types section so i won’t go over it too much. But the suite of API’s sounds great. The more collaborations Earth 2 get, the more chance we have of success. The more new faces come to E2, the more utility Earth 2 components have and the more people we have pushing the platform forward.


Earth 2 is committed to building products and services that support the creative Player who wants to build, design, deliver and provide content inside of the Earth 2 EcoSystem. This

will include additional platforms which will allow external creativeness to enter into Earth 2 as well.


Tile Art is another example of a form of creativeness inside of Earth 2. This form of creativity developed as a community driven discovery and saw Players collaborate to purchase tiles in close proximity to one another, in patterns and designs that formed incredible styles of Tile Art over the Earth 2 map view. 


Along with Tile Art, Megacities are the purest form of organic community discovered and driven creativity inside of Earth 2. It is difficult to say where Megacities began, but there are those

in the Earth 2 community who would know. They are the result of a massive cooperative effort between Players to plan, design and create tile-centric blueprints and layouts of mega cities and

collectively own or sell ownership to those Players who want to be part of the city and its vision.

There are over 100 community created MegaCities inside of Earth 2, many of which can be found over a number of different web pages such as and numerous

other websites. Earth 2 recognises this community driven development and is excited to be releasing an official Verified MegaCity Index in Q2 this year.”

If you guys don’t know already I’m the founder of Shoon City, so I’m super excited to see what happens with megacities over the coming months and even years. 

“To date, Earth 2 has already demonstrated its commitment to assign development resources into building products that Players can use to be creative and benefit from. One such product that may not immediately stand out has been the introduction of Jewels. Players are able to collect Jewels and craft them into different types using special recipes that need to be learned. Players have crafted and sold Jewels to other Players for over $1M in Player owned value to date.” 

Yeah, to me jewels are pretty much the beginning of the play to earn elements of E2. I know we’ve been able to flip land before this but these are the first products that we can sell without having to let go of any land.


HoloBuildings are completely Player created 3D buildings and structures that can be saved as unique blueprints and placed on land to customise a properties appearance. Earth 2 developed

and provided the holobuidling editor as a tool Players could use to make their own creations and has been committed to the ongoing improvement of the product, releasing numerous updates and fixes since the original version. Earth 2 is committed to further developments of the

Holobuilding product with plans to release a security implementation which helps to prevent the copying of Player Holobuildings. We also plan to implement the ability for Players to sell their Holobuildings to other players soon and a longer term goal to allow Players to mint their Holobuilding creations on chain making them a utility NFT that can actually be placed, used and experienced inside of Earth 2. 

I know many players are super excited for the holobuilding marketplace. It will be a lovely reward for those players who’ve mastered the editor too. If you want to have a go yourself I do have a beginners guide which takes you step by step through creating your first basic holobuilding, I will leave a link in the description below.


A large part of the Metaverse is about bringing people together, online. For this reason Earth 2 will be releasing its own official Earth 2 Social Media Platform later in 2022. This platform will include initial features such as :

• Encrypted calls / video calls

• Encrypted chat + walkie talkie, photos, videos, file transfer and more

• Friend and Follower System

• User Profile Page

• User Gallery (with full privacy)

• Public photo / video feed

• Friends / Following Feed

• Upload Video and Video Scroll Section

• Augmented Reality, Geolocational Photo / Video Drops

• Playback Messaging

• Invisible Data Files (encrypted data that can be stored on your phone virtually undetectable)

• Invisible Chat (encrypted, anonymous chat that can be stored on your phone virtually undetectable)

• Contact Storage / Auto Link Friends via Phone Number

• And more

Once released, this social media platform will be expanded with motivation aimed toward Web3-centric features and will be positioning to cement itself as a free, non-intrusive, player friendly, ‘different’, metaverse social media platform alternative

So for anyone who doesn’t know, prior to Earth 2, Shane worked on a social media app called XYZ, which can still be found on the app stores. Many of us have speculated that it’s going to be a pimped version of this that’s released. Regardless I’m looking forward to this and seeing how they manage to integrate it into E2 as a whole.

About Pacey

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