How to Stake Essence in your Mentar in Earth 2

So staking of Essence inside of Mentars is now live, it’s essentially a reward for locking up your Essence for a set amount of time and here’s a quick tutorial on how to do that and what you can expect in return for doing so.

First of all, to get to the Mentar Staking, you want to come to your profile and here you will see the button “Mentar Staking” just above your properties and below the gift code redemption box.

Clicking this opens a window where we can see which stakes are available and our active stakes.
So, to be able to do any staking at all, we do need to make a selection from each category and then a slider bar to select the amount of Essence you want to stake will appear, however you can also click and type if you want to do an exact amount.

The categories we have are Special T1 tiles which are those first 25,000 upgrades per type in each country and in the same selection we have the T1+ which are tier 1 tiles which have EDC or promised Essence remaining.

Next along is your standard tier 1 and finally tier 2.

Under these we then have your property size selection, all the way from 1 tile up to the 750+

And finally the lock up period selection.

Now we can’t select which specific property we want to stake our Essence on; it’s automatically assigned based on the previously mentioned selections.
But  each selection does show us exactly how many tiles we have available for staking within it and this shows below the selection.


Now these selections do make a big difference in the returns you get and we can see percentages under each showing how much additional E-ther we will get for staking those plots. However it is a percent that’s based on the current E-ther production for that plot so larger percents don’t necessarily mean better returns. Thankfully the user Keymaker made a fantastic graphic that shows exactly what these returns are an easier to understand way.

So as we can see the larger plots, higher tiers and the maximum number of days staked give better returns and combining all of these gives the best returns. For example a 750 tile flex of special T1 tiles gives a return of 7.4% over the full 90 days. Whereas a T2 Flex gives just 2.47% over the same period and so on going down with the lower tiers and smaller plot sizes.

Now please do take the time to think about if you do want to stake and how long for, before jumping right in. Not only is your Essence locked up for the time period selected but the staked properties are locked up too. Meaning they can’t be sold or even upgraded during this time.

However if you are happy with your selection and want to go ahead simply click the stake button here at the bottom. If it’s greyed out, you’ve either missed one of the selection boxes or you’re trying to stake more Essence than you have. But once the stake has gone through it can be found in the active stakes tab along with details on your progression.

Lastly to claim your staking rewards, you will find a new button just under where we claim our E-ther. The staking rewards come in once per day and once claimed is added to your e-ther balance to either hold or convert.

So there we go, that’s Essence staking in a nutshell. Let me know in the comments down below what you’ve staked or what you plan on staking.

About Pacey

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