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Resource Heatmaps Explained

So, I’ve seen a lot of confusion over the recent release of resource heatmaps within Earth 2. I’m just going to go over how to check them, what it means and how they work. Right so the first thing I need to say is resources only show on player owned …

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Knights of Malta

Introducing a brand new megacity, adding on to the organic growth of Malta’s main capital Valletta, brings Knights of Malta. Officially launched in May 2022 and founded originally in seeking overall governance and dominance, Resin its founder has branched out as a sponsor for the AR and ad capabilities holding …

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Resources Go Live! + Essence Fractions

So the first stage of resources going live in Earth 2 has dropped today. We’ve seen the resources heatmap for gold and oil added to the earth 2 map. Although like many new features it hasn’t come without controversy. Players saying there’s resources in locations they shouldn’t be. I’m personally …

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